elastic limit造句
- Elastic limit yeung ' s module of elasticity to yield point
弹性限度阳氏弹性系数及屈服点 - Stresses beyond the elastic limit
超过弹性极限的应力 - Strsses within the elastic limit
弹性范围内应力 - Elastic limit for compression
压缩弹性极限 - Elastic limit for tension
拉伸弹性极限 - High - elastic limit steel
高弹性极限钢 - Apparent elastic limit
视弹性限度 - Elastic theory and plastic theory are adopted in the analysis of the two section composite beam . elastic theory suggests , on the condition of the same steel beam section size , the composite beam for the floorslab is suited lower flanges convertion section stiffness cuts down by 75 . 1 % , elastic limit bending resistant capability cuts down by 47 . 9 % , than the composite beam for the floorslab is suited on the top flange . it s conversion section stiffness is lifted 8 . 0 % , elastic limit bending resistant capability is lifted 0 . 20 % , than the steel beam
弹性理论分析的结果表明,在钢梁截面大小相同的条件下,楼板位于钢梁下翼缘的组合梁和楼板位于钢梁上翼缘的组合梁相比,其换算截面刚度降低75 . 1 ,梁的弹性极限抗弯承载力降低47 . 9 ,楼板位于钢梁下翼缘的组合梁和纯钢梁相比,其换算截面刚度提高8 . 0 ,梁的弹性极限抗弯承载力提高0 . 2 。 - It's difficult to see elastic limit in a sentence. 用elastic limit造句挺难的
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